How to Market a Fantasy Novel: The 2 Key Phases Detailed

How to Market a Fantasy Novel: The 2 Key Phases Detailed
How to promote your fantasy novel and sell copies like a pro.
Bella Rose Emmorey
book editor, rogue behaviorist, digital marketer, writer, brand builder, plant aunt, and cheese enthusiast.
Fantasy Tropes to Avoid

Fantasy Tropes to Avoid
These tried-and-tired fantasy tropes might be in need of a makeover.
S.R. Beaston
Crafty with words, wit, and wisdom, just add caffeine to make it more interesting.
How To Learn Writing Online (For Free)

How To Learn Writing Online (For Free)
Strategies and spaces you can use to learn writing online.
S.R. Beaston
Crafty with words, wit, and wisdom, just add caffeine to make it more interesting.
Kindle Create Tutorial Step-By-Step

Kindle Create Tutorial Step-By-Step
What is Kindle Create, and do you need it to publish on KDP?
Hannah Lee Kidder
NovelPad Author
How to Write Multiple-POV in Fantasy: Avoid Newbie Mistakes

How to Write Multiple-POV in Fantasy: Avoid Newbie Mistakes
How to write multiple perspective characters in your fantasy novel.
Bella Rose Emmorey
book editor, rogue behaviorist, digital marketer, writer, brand builder, plant aunt, and cheese enthusiast.
Real Tools for Writers with Autism

Real Tools for Writers with Autism
Tools and strategies to help writers with autism be more productive.
Hannah Lee Kidder
NovelPad Author