We all get stuck in certain phases of the writing process. There are a bunch of apps and software to help you move along, and NovelPad is one that can help you write faster in various ways, but only if you know how to utilize it effectively.
If you’ve been struggling to get one book done a year, let’s take a look at how you can write faster using NovelPad.
Because you don’t want to end up like George R.R. Martin or Patrick Rothfus with angry fans waiting a decade between books. Wikipedia is even sick of Rothfus’s crap, see:
I kid. Sort of.
Sure, you don’t want to disappoint fans, but the speed at which you write can make a big difference in your ability to make a full-time income from your books, particularly as a self-published author. It’s not until authors stack up several titles that they start to see enough money coming in to support themselves fully.
And while you should always prioritize writing good books over the quantity you pump out, there are inevitably ways to streamline the process so you can write more of those good books.
It’s a win-win for everyone, really. But mostly for you, your integrity, and your bank account.
Everybody is different and will have unique ways that help them write faster. But at the end of the day, having a system in place that allows you to open the computer and just go will assist everyone.
How much time do you waste trying to compile all your notes, online docs, and random Post-Its with details of your story on them?
Disorganization murders writing momentum more savagely than a starving lion discovering a lone zebra limping across the savannah.
But there’s more to NovelPad than just organization. Here’s how you can use NovelPad to write faster, finish more books, and publish them for more of those sweet sweet $ royalties$ . Outlining saves times. Unless you are truly a discovery writer (meaning you make more progress without an outline, writing as the ideas come to you), you should be outlining your novels in order to write faster.
It’s much easier to sit down and write when you know exactly what to write. And NovelPad is an outliner’s dream.
You can create chapter cards and add scenes within each chapter. I really love this because it allows you to outline in a lot more detail than other writing software, which helps you see how you need to write each scene.
Plus, there’s two different ways to view the board: vertical columns or horizontal rows, for however your brain would like to look at it.
Scene cards differ from chapters, because chapters can have multiple scenes (duh). But when you’re writing, you want to shape each scene like its own story with an introduction, middle, and end. When you lay it all out ahead of time, you can see all of those scene descriptions on one page. This saves a ton of time, because you're not floundering between scenes trying to figure out how to write the next one. Flow. Is. Key.
You can also store information inside each scene card, like specific tags for the function of each scene, the location it takes place, and more that’ll help you streamline writing and editing.
Depending on the type of story you’re writing, the location tracking can be a huge game-changer for keeping track of details so you can write faster. You don’t have to remember every single place, who was there, or even what happened.
On the Locations page, you can create locations with descriptions (if you'd like). Once you have the locations set, you can assign a location to each scene card.
This saves so much time when you edit your draft because if you need to change one detail in a certain location, you’ll be able to go to the locations tab and see every single scene that takes place there, in order, and edit them all at once.
So in my example, if I were to make any changes to the setting of the office, I could just go to the location tab and see every scene that takes place there all lined up for me.
4. Character Bios & Tracking
It really sucks when you’re trying to write a scene but can’t remember if a character should be there based on if they were in a similar scenario earlier in the story. We might know our stories well, but if you’re 90,000 words into a 120,000 word epic fantasy, chances are you’re going to forget a thing or two.
NovelPad tracks which chapters and scenes each character is in. This is truly amazing.
As long as you’re entered your character on the Character board, you can look up their "stats" for your story. Also notable is the fact that you can include any and all nicknames used for that character. So if the bully often refers to your main character as Nutsack, you can include that in the nickname section, so it’ll also be tracked.
The scenes they appear in will show up on their character card in that section, in order. Say goodbye to wasting a ton of time rereading!
5. Notes for Quick Thoughts & Edits for Later
Writing a book typically involves tons of little ideas that you have to pull together to make one complex work of art. That usually means taking notes. World-building, research, outlines, lines of dialogue that don't have a home yet, etc. Keeping these things organized and right at your fingertips while you write can speed the process along significantly.
NovelPad's Notes function enables users to write, organize, and link a huge library of Notes. Use folders and nesting to categorize and sub-categorize to your heart's contentment.
You can also link any Note to any other element of your book like characters, locations, chapters, plots, and other Notes.
My favorite aspect of the Notes function is that you can split-screen it with your main manuscript, letting you reference any Note while you write!
6. Goals & Progress Tracking
We all agree that dopamine is a thing, right? Without going into all the science mumbo-jumbo, checking things off a list and hitting goals releases a flood of dopamine in your brain, which encourages you to repeat that behavior.
Essentially, NovelPad will help you hack your brain so not only do you accomplish your goals, you’re highly motivated to do it again. It does it with their progress tracker.
You’ll write faster with NovelPad because it generates your writing schedule for you. There’s no need to do the math and figure out how much you need to write today or how much you’ve written on that day.
Just plug in your goal numbers and write!
How you use NovelPad is up to you. You’ll get into your own rhythm with the features and functions, but there’s no doubt that utilizing these tools will shave off serious time in your writing process.
Ideally, you can just sit down and write when it’s time to.
Try NovelPad out for yourself with this free, no-commitment trial. You don't even need a credit card, and you can download all of your work if you decide not to stick with us. $ Try it!$