
What is a NovelPad Scene Card? | Organizing Your Novel

S.R. Beaston
Crafty with words, wit, and wisdom, just add caffeine to make it more interesting.
When it comes to organizing a novel, many writers swear by the index card. Those small, rectangular pieces of paper are perfect for writing a scene description and organizing them as needed. We pin them to walls or poster boards, file them in notebooks and drawers, and lose them in coffee shops.
Some writing software has caught on to this style of organization, opting to house "scenes" within their own version of the index card. NovelPad has mastered this integration with Scene Cards.

What are Scene Cards?

NovelPad’s Scene Cards are dedicated sections for each scene of your project. They can be found on almost every $ board$  in NovelPad. You can assign information to your Scene Card, such as the date, location, plot, $ notes$ , character POV, and $ customized labels$ .

 novelpad scene card elements

How to create a Scene Card

To create a Scene Card in NovelPad, simply click "Add Scene" on the Chapter board, or hit CTRL+ENTER or CMD+ENTER in manuscript view to add a scene break in that place.

 how to add a scene in novelpad
From here, you can insert a title, description, or whatever is helpful for you to recognize that scene. After you've created a scene, you can find it on the Chapter board for a flyover view of your entire project. Scenes are click-and-drag for easy rearranging!

Utilizing the Scene Card

Scene Cards allow you to track all of your relevant scene information in one place, like the point-of-view character, timeline, location, which plot or subplot it applies to, and any notes linked to that scene.
Simply click the three-dot menu on the Scene Card to access and edit all of that information.

 how to add things to novelpad scene cards
These scene elements are one thing that makes $ plotting with NovelPad$  so easy.
After filling out your scene info, you can utilize the $ Insight Board$  to track and cross-reference aspects of your story for helpful insights.

 novelpad insights board characters by dates
$ Color labels$  are a great way to add that extra bit of information to your Scene Card. Some writers use color labels to indicate things like scene mood, status, or type, but the only limit is your imagination!
The third tab on your Scene Card is for $ notes$ . You can link $ a note$  for quick access to relevant information, like character sheets, outlines, or world building.

 novelpad scene card note link
Here's a brief tutorial on Notes:

There are many other powerful uses for Scene Cards—check it out for yourself with this $ free, no-commitment, no-credit-card trial$ !
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