
When is the best time to publish a self-help book?

S.R. Beaston
Crafty with words, wit, and wisdom, just add caffeine to make it more interesting.
Finding out when to publish your book can be almost as stressful as writing it. With some books it’s easier. Horror can be published in Fall. Romance can be published around February. Holiday books will likely be published in winter. 
There are some books that don’t fit the mold as easily. Genres like fantasy or crime are more loose, though there’s still a method to the publication madness. 
Self-help books are seemingly less strategic, but there are some things you can do to make your book sales a success. 

The best time to publish a self-help book

There’s never a time that self-help books are not desired year-round, but there are certain months that can help with sales. With self help books specifically, it could simply come down to $ how you’ve themed your book and who your audience is for$ 
Without taking those aspects into consideration, here are a few tips on when to publish your self help book. 

The first quarter

It’s the new year and with a new year comes new drive and new promises. This is the time people want to improve in many aspects of their life, making January, February, and March the perfect months to release a self help book.

Though competition in sales will be higher in these months, the pool of published books will not all be self help. Business, finance, and diet books are also being released around this time, so there’s not as much direct competition as it would be with something like a Christmas romance novel. 

In the summer

Depending on the focus of your self-help book, the summer months can be a prime time for its release. Summer is a period of self-reflection, personal and physical growth, and strengthening relationships with family and friends, making this a great time for reading certain self-help books.
Summer reads aren’t only for children, adults tend to grab more non-fiction and self-help related reads during vacations, which happen more often in the warm months.

The later summer months (usually August into September) often see a boost in book sales, including self-help titles. This surge is likely due to the approach of the holiday season, when many people are motivated to improve themselves in preparation for the many family gatherings ahead. (Now if only that one family member would care to do the same.)

Tips for publishing and times to avoid

Publishing is an ever-evolving, tricky business with a lot of nuance. Here are a few points to consider when deciding on that deadline.

Avoid Holidays

You would think holiday sales would be good, but with all the big name books being discounted and more money being spent then one cares to, there’s little guarantee you’ll see anything in November or December. 
Marketing can be particularly challenging during the holiday season because you're competing not only with other book promotions but also with a wide array of products vying for attention. During this time, many businesses are focused on boosting their holiday sales, which can overshadow self-help books. As a result, self-help titles may receive less consideration and visibility compared to other genres or products.

Consider your audience

Whoever your book is written for can determine when you release your book. Though January is the prime time for self-help books to be released, the more niche and focused books can find success in other months without the competition. For example, if your self-help book is heavily focused on being a better partner or finding love, you may release it during more ‘love centric’ holidays.
Be aware of any movements or events that come up. For example, mental health awareness can be a great time to publish any self-help that relates to mental health or dealing with family that has mental health.  
Current trends come in waves and can boost your viewership if timed correctly. Social media is a great place to see what kind of health and wellness is being talked about, or perhaps it’s that time of the year when people are seeking help in productivity. If you know your niche, you’ll be able to find these trends and market accordingly.
Unfortunately, many factors influence a book’s success, but effective marketing and publishing strategies can significantly boost even the most niche and odd. Have faith in your work, and you can publish at any time.
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