Collections are customizable groups of notes. Think of a collection as the subject divider in your notebook, allowing you to group notes that are related to each other. For example, you could have a collection for each of your characters, a collection for your research notes, or a collection where you keep mood notes such as links to playlists or images.
Add a Collection
To add a collection, click Add Collection at the top of the Notes board. A new collection heading appears. Type in the title for your collection, and then press Enter.

Rename a Collection
To rename a collection, click the Options icon on the heading of the collection. Then select Rename Collection on the menu that appears. On the Edit Collection Title dialog, type in the new title for your collection, and then click Save.

Clone a Collection
You can quickly copy the contents of a collection by cloning a collection. Cloning a collection creates an exact copy of all the notes in the collection. For instance, let's say you've created a detailed character sheet for your main character. You can easily copy that sheet to a collection for another character by cloning the collection.
To clone a collection, click the Options icon on the heading of the collection. Then select Clone Collection on the menu that appears. On the Clone Collection dialog, type in a title for the new collection, and then click Clone.

Export a Collection
You can export a collection of notes to Microsoft Word.
To export a collection, click the Options icon on the heading of the collection. Then select Export Collection on the menu that appears. The collection will download to your computer as a .docx file with the same name as the collection.

Delete a Collection
If you don't need a collection of notes anymore, you can delete it at any time.
To delete a collection, click the Options icon on the heading of the collection. Then select Delete Collection on the menu that appears. A confirmation dialog appears, confirming that you want to delete the collection.
Click Okay to delete the collection.
Deleting a collection permanently deletes all of the notes in that collection. The deletion cannot be undone.

Notes are individual items within a collection. A note can be as long or as short as you want. Any
content in a note can also be linked to your scenes, characters, plots, locations, and even other notes—just like a wiki!
Add a Note
To add a note, click Add Note on the right side of a collection. Type in the name of the note, and then press Enter.

Rename a Note
To rename a note, simply edit the heading at the top of the note. The name on the note tab will change automatically as you type.

Delete a Note
If you don't need a note anymore, you can delete it at any time.
To delete a note, click the Delete icon on the corresponding note tab. A confirmation dialog appears, confirming that you want to delete the note. Click Okay to delete the note.
Deleting a note permanently deletes the note and its contents. The deletion cannot be undone.

Links in notes
You can add links in your notes that point to other content in your novel, allowing you to create wiki-style references in your notes. You can add links to existing scenes, plot cards, characters, locations, and other notes. Links provide quick access to the content that you've referenced.
Add a Link
To add a link in a note, highlight the content you want to add the link to. On the menu that appears, click the Link icon . On the Create Link dialog, select a filter to search for the content you want to link to. Then select the item you want to link to.
For example, to create a link to the Gretel character, highlight "Gretel". Click the Link icon on the menu that appears. On the Create Link dialog, select the Character filter. Then click the Gretel item.

Once you've added a link to another element, you can quickly see information about that element without needing to leave the Notes board. Click a link to display the following information, based on the linked element.
- Click the character name to rename the character. Updating the character name here updates the character's main name on the character card.
- Click the
Note icon to view a list of all notes that the character is referenced in. Click a note in the list to navigate to that note.
- Click the
Edit icon to navigate to the Editor. The Editor will display all scenes that the character is referenced in.
- Click the
Edit Character icon to access the
Edit Character dialog, where you can update the character's name, nicknames, and biographical information.
- Opens theClick the scene description to edit the description. Updating the description here updates the description on the scene card for every instance of the card.
- Click the
Options icon to view
scene card options, such as
creating revisions.- Click the
Edit icon to navigate to the Editor. The Editor will display the linked scene.
- Click the
Note icon to view a list of all notes that the scene is referenced in. Click a note in the list to navigate to that note. Revisions dialog, where you can
create scene revisions.
- Click the plot title to edit the title. Updating the title here updates the title on the main plot card.
- Click the
Note icon to view a list of all notes that the plot is referenced in. Click a note in the list to navigate to that note.
- Click the
Edit Plot icon to access the
Edit Plot dialog, where you can update the plot title, color label, and plot description.
- Click the location name to edit the name. Updating the name here updates the name on the main location card.
- Click the
Note icon to view a list of all notes that the location is referenced in. Click a note in the list to navigate to that note.
- Click the
Edit Location icon to access the
Edit Location dialog, where you can update the location name and location information.
Click Open Note to navigate to the linked note.Remove a link
Remove a Link
If you want to remove a link, you can do so at any time.
To remove a link, highlight any part of the linked content. On the menu that appears, click the Link icon .
On the Create Link dialog, click Remove.