Get started with NovelPad

Welcome to NovelPad! We're so glad you're here. We strive to create a writing software that is as intuitive as possible, but we'll walk you through a few tips to get started with writing your novel if you need some guidance.

1. First things first: Create a new novel.

To start writing, you'll need to create a novel on the Bookshelf. Each novel is its own separate space for all of the scenes and information for your story, and maintains its own settings (such as font, margin, and editing choices). You can create as many novels as you want and can also archive novels when you no longer want to work on them.

2. Pick your writing preferences.

The Settings screen lets you set up the aesthetics of your writing, including the spacing, font, text alignment, and margins. This screen is also where you can choose light mode or dark mode and whether you want editing checks for spelling, grammar, and style enabled or disabled. At any time, you can also go to the Settings screen to get a quick onboarding tutorial.

3. Start writing!

That's it! Now head over to the Manuscript to start writing! As you get into writing, take a moment to learn about scene cards and how to add new chapters and scenes to your growing novel.

4. Set up a goal and keep on writing!

Now that you're into the swing of things, set up a writing goal to help you stay on track and keep on writing!

5. Get more familiar with each of the boards.

Once you're set up and chugging along, take a little tour around NovelPad and get familiar with each of the boards. The boards all allow you to create and organize different aspects of your novel, which can come in handy as you continue writing and developing your story.